তাফসীর কি মিথ্যা হতে পারে-pdf download abdur razzaq bin yousuf

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তাফসীর কি মিথ্যা হতে পারে abdur razzaq bin yousuf books pdf download. আব্দুর রাযযাক বিন ইউসুফ এর সকল বইয়ের পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড করুন এখানে ক্লিক করে৷ আইনে রাসুল সাঃ দোআ অধ্যায়-Abdur Razzaq bin Yousuf pdf download. Abdullah bin Abdur Razzaq pdf download.Asadullah Al Galib pdf ebooks.সকল ইসলামিক বই ডাউনলোড করুন ফ্রিতে৷Tunetuni online pdf books store. Tafsir ki mittha hote pare books.

আব্দুর রাযযাক বিন ইউসুফ পিডিএফ বুকস || তাফসীর কি মিথ্যা হতে পারে Pdf Download || Abdur Razzaq bin Yousuf pdf books || Tafsir ki mittha hote pare pdf file || তাফসীর বিষয়ক বই

Tafsire ki mittha hote pare books introduction:

At present, many parts of the speeches of some speakers are in conflict with the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. Because they preach various issues of Shariah without investigation. As far as I know, 95% of the speakers give speeches without verification.

There are two major disadvantages to such propaganda. (1) In this, false propaganda is being spread in the name of Allah and His Messenger, so that the people are deviating from the right religion. (2) The afterlife of such a speaker is very terrible. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “If a person lies to me, his end is Hell” (Bukhari, Mishkat H / 189). 98% of the people who are doing tafsir in this country are not commentators. Because many kinds of knowledge are needed for tafsir.

At the same time, it is necessary to make tafsir by tahakbi. Because the books of Tafsir are full of false and false hadiths and fabricated stories. Everyone should be aware of this. Because just as it harms the religion, it destroys the afterlife of the speaker and the listener. So I have been thinking for a long time that I will write a book to make people aware of false interpretations. But due to the busy schedule it has not been possible so far.

Finally, by the will of Almighty Allah, the book was published with Tablighi Ijtema 2009 in mind – Falillahil Hamd. Can the commentary in the book be false? This question is basically a false interpretation. By this we have tried to make people aware of false tafsir. Because in the name of listening and reading the commentary of the Qur’an, devout Muslims listen and read the false commentary, after which there is no confusion.

As a result, the true form of Islam is leaving them. This is our small effort to overcome such a situation. The book describes some of the false events that are widely used by commentators and speakers. By mentioning such incidents, we have tried to expose the faces of the so-called mythical commentators and speakers.

It is worth mentioning that some of the fabricated hadiths and Israeli fabrications in the name of tafsir in various books can be found in the Qur’an and sahih hadiths; The reader should not be deceived. Basically, we wanted to present false hadiths and fabricated stories here. My dear student Mukarram bin Muhsin helped me in publishing the book.

May Allah feed him accordingly. Also, may Allah reward all those who helped me in publishing the book in this world and in the Hereafter! Despite many precautions, it is not impossible to avoid some errors and typographical errors in the book. I am hoping to get the advice of esteemed readers on that subject.

If readers can be honest about false tafsir through reading the book and try to save the society from the poisonous scourge of false tafsir, then we will consider our efforts successful. May Allah grant us the Tawfiq to act according to the Holy Quran and Sahih Sunnah – Amen !! Author.


মুজাফফর বিন মুহসিন সকল বইয়ের পিডিএফ || ডঃ মুহাম্মদ আসাদুল্লাহ আল-গালিব || শহীদুল্লাহ খান মাদানী || ড. আবূ বকর মোঃ জাকারিয়া মজুমদার || আব্দুর রাজ্জাক বিন ইউসুফ || আব্দুল হামীদ আল-ফাইযী আল-মাদানী || ব্রাদার রাহুল হোসেন || ড. খন্দকার আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর || আব্দুল্লাহ বিন আব্দুল রাজ্জাক||ডা:জাকির নায়েক

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