সহীহ আল-বুখারী-pdf download-বুখারী-শরীফ

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সহীহ আল-বুখারী(১ম-১০ম খন্ড) pdf download /বুখারী-শরীফ।সকল খন্ড এক সাথে।এখানে তিন ভাবে Download করতে ও অনলাইনে পড়তে পারবেন।সকল Islamic বই pdf আমাদের Tunetuni তে পাবেন।

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বইঃ সহীহ আল-বুখারী(১ম থেকে ১২খন্ড)

লেখকঃ ইমাম বুখারী

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Introduction :-All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Prayers and peace be upon his beloved Prophet Habib Muhammad Rasulullah (SAW). Hadith Sharif is an invaluable resource of the Muslim nation, one of the essential sources of Islamic Shari’ah and one of the main foundations of the Islamic way of life. Where the Qur’an presents the fundamentals of the Islamic way of life, the Hadith gives a detailed analysis of this fundamental principle and the effective way to implement it.

The Qur’an is the pillar of Islam, the Hadith is its scattered light. Islamic Knowledge – In science, the Qur’an is like a heart, and Hadith is like an artery connected to the heart. In the vast field of knowledge, a constant stream of fresh radiance keeps its limbs constantly fresh and active. On the one hand, the hadith gives an accurate explanation of the Qur’an al-Azeem, and on the other hand, it presents the details of the holy biography, policy and ideology of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the bearer and bearer of the Qur’an, and his words and deeds, guidance and advice.

That is why Hadith has a place in the Qur’an after Hakim in the Islamic way of life. The revelation that Allah revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) through Gabriel Amin is the main source of Hadith. Revelation literally means ‘pointing, talking to another in secret. There are two types of revelation. The first type of direct revelation (ley) is called “Kitabullah” or “Al-Quran”.

Its idea, language is both great Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has revealed it exactly. The second type of indirect revelation (1) is called ‘Sunnah’ or ‘Al-Hadith’. The idea is of Allah, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) expressed it in his own language, in his own words and in his own deeds and consent. The first type of revelation was revealed directly to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and could be understood by those who were present with him.

But the second type of revelation was revealed to him implicitly and others did not realize it. The last Prophet and Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the bearer and carrier of the Qur’an, the Qur’an was revealed to him. In His Book, Allah has instructed mankind to follow a single standard and follow many rules, but has not given details. It has been entrusted to the Prophet (peace be upon him). He is the means of implementing the ideals and rules of the Qur’an through his words, deeds and conduct.

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According to the publisher :- According to the publisher, Bukhari Sharif is the purest collection of hadith. The Holy Word of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), his deeds, and his tacit support and approval are the hadeeths or the Sunnah. The Sunnah is the second source for the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and the various rules and regulations of the Shari’ah. In fact, both the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith are revealed by revelation. The Qur’an is the word of Allah and the Hadith is the words and expressions of the Prophet.

During the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and immediately after his death, the Muslim conquerors spread to different countries with the message of Islam. He compiled a collection of about 7,000 hadiths, called Jame Sahih, which became known as Bukhari Sharif after his birthplace. Arranged in different chapters and chapters on almost every aspect of Islam as a complete way of life, this book is an authentic source of Islamic knowledge.

It is an essential textbook in the madrasas of Bangladesh. Acquiring knowledge of the Holy Quran and Hadith is essential for all Muslims. From this fact, the Islamic Foundation Bangladesh has been translating and publishing Sihah Sittah and other famous and authentic hadith collections.

Its translation has become pure, clear and easy to understand as its work has been completed through wise translators and qualified editors. Ever since the translation of the first volume of Bukhari Sharif was published in 1989, it has been received with great interest by students, teachers, researchers and conscious readers of all walks of life. Later, as soon as each of its pieces was published, it was appreciated by the dear readers.

In view of this huge demand of the people, the fifth edition of the first volume has been published this time. We’ve done our best to keep this translation work error-free. Even then, if there is any mistake in the eye of the prisoner, if he informs us, we will arrange for the necessary correction in the next edition, InshaAllah. May Allah grant us the tawfiq to know and obey the Holy Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Amen!

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সহীহ আল-বুখারী

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মুজাফফর বিন মুহসিন সকল বইয়ের পিডিএফ || ডঃ মুহাম্মদ আসাদুল্লাহ আল-গালিব || শহীদুল্লাহ খান মাদানী || ড. আবূ বকর মোঃ জাকারিয়া মজুমদার || আব্দুর রাজ্জাক বিন ইউসুফ || আব্দুল হামীদ আল-ফাইযী আল-মাদানী || ব্রাদার রাহুল হোসেন || ড. খন্দকার আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর || আব্দুল্লাহ বিন আব্দুল রাজ্জাক||ডা:জাকির নায়েক

মহাপরিচালকের কথা :-The original name of the hadith book known as Bukhari Sharif is. ‘Al-Jameel Musnadus Sahih Al-Mukhtasar Min Sunan Rasulullahu Alaihe Wa Sallam Wa Ayyamihi. The name of the person who compiled this book of hadith in the middle of the third century AH is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Bukhari. Muslim scholars say that this Bukhari Sharif is the most important book after the Holy Quran. The famous Alim Ibn Taymiyyah of the 8th century AH says that no muhaddith greater than Imam Bukhari was born under the sky and above the ground.

Born in the Bukhara region of Kazakhstan, this Imam is truly incomparable. Realizing the importance of preserving saheeh hadeeths, he went through many inhospitable paths and accepted inhuman hardships. He collected about 6 (six) lakh hadeeths with sanads ). In this way he selected about seven thousand hadiths and finalized this collection of ‘Jami Sahih’. He accomplished this remarkable work because of his wonderful memory, profound erudition and profound sincerity. Got it.

There is no knowledge-research aspect in the Muslim world where this book is not used. This book has been translated into about one and a half hundred living languages ​​of the world. According to other countries of the Muslim world, it is also included in the Islamic curriculum in Bangladesh. This book is included in the textbooks of the relevant departments of Kamil level madrasas and universities of the country. However, the Bengali translation of this book has been delayed.

The translation of such authentic texts must be appropriate and correct. In this context, the Islamic Foundation Bangladesh has undertaken the task of completing the Bengali translation work by a number of qualified translators and editing it as per a high level editorial board. After the publication of the first volume of the book in 1979, there was a huge response from the readers and it was completed in a short time.

On the eve of the second printing, the translation of this book has been done through an editing committee comprising of expert scholars of the country to make it transparent and original. In view of the huge demand, we have released the fifth edition. I hope the book will be appreciated by all in the previous opinion. May Allah Almighty grant us the grace to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

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