আল ফিকহুল আকবার by abdullah jahangir al fiqh al akbar pdf

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Al-Fiqh al-Akbar pdf free download from tunetuni. আল ফিকহুল আকবার-ইমাম আবূ হানীফা (রাহঃ) রচিত৷ অনুবাদকও ব্যাখ্যা ড. খন্দকার আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর: DR. KHONDOKER ABDULLAH JAHANGIR BOOKS Islamic pdf.Tunetuni ইসলামিক সহীহ আক্বীদার সকল বই, ভর্তি ও চাকুরি সহায়ক বইয়ের পিডিএফ অনলাইন স্টোর৷

আল ফিকহুল আকবার বইয়ের বিষয়বস্তুঃ(al fiqh al akbar pdf)

আসসালামুআলাইকুম , সম্মানিত দ্বীনি ভাই ও বােনেরা , এই বইটির প্রকৃত লেখক ইমাম আবু হানিফা যিনি হানাফি মাজহাব এর ইমাম । বইটি বাংলায় অনুবাদ করেছেন আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর স্যার , বইটি পড়ে আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ইমাম আবু হানিফা সম্পর্কে আমার মতােই সকলে পরিষ্কার ধারণা পাবেন । এই বইটিতে তিনি তার বিশ্বাসের ছবি তুলে ধরেছেন।বইটিতে তিনি আকিদা সম্পর্কে তিনি স্পষ্ট ধারনা তুলে ধরেছেন ।

আমরা বইটি থেকে ইসলামি আকিদা সম্পর্কে ধারণা অর্জন করতে পারবাে ইংশাআল্লাহ এবং আব্দুল্লাহ জাহাঙ্গীর স্যারের ব্যাখাতে ইমাম আবু হানিফা সম্পর্কে পরিষ্কার ধারণা পাবেন তিনি কেমন ছিলেন । সর্বোপরি বইটি সকল মুসলিম মানুষের জীবনের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ।

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Al Fiqh al Akbar pdf

আল ফিকহুল আকবার বইয়ের রিভিউঃ(al fiqh al akbar pdf)

বইঃ আল ফিকহুল আকবার      

লেখকঃ ইমাম আবু হানিফা (রাহঃ)


ফাইল সাইজ : ৪.৫এমবি

ক্যাটাগরি : ইসলামিক বই

আল ফিকহুল আকবার Islamic pdf download

আল ফিকহুল আকবার বইয়ের ভূমিকা:- Praise be to God the Almighty. Prayers and peace be upon his servant and messenger, his beloved Muhammad (4), his family, companions and followers. ‘Ihyaus Sunan and Islamic Aqeedah have quoted Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him) on various issues related to Aqeedah and Sunnah.

All these statements have attracted the attention of many readers. Many have expressed interest in learning about faith, creed, Sunnah, innovation, etc., like Imam Abu Hanifa and his students. Some have said: We are Hanafi in jurisprudence, Ash’ari or Maturidi in creed and Qadri, Chishti or Naqshbandi in Tariqa.

Can’t we be Hanafi in all matters of Fiqh, Aqeedah and Tariqah? Imam Abu Hanifa did not have any creed and method? If so, what was it? In fact, Imam Abu Hanifa (Rah) has given the highest importance to Aqeedah.

We will see that although he did not write any books on fiqh, he did write a few books on aqeedah, calling the knowledge of aqeedah the best fiqh or al-fiqhul akbar, and allowed ijtihad and disagreement on fiqh, but forbade ijtihad and disagreement on aqeedah. Among the works of Imam Azam (Rah), 5 booklets on Aqeedah are famous.

Among them are two commentaries on the book “Al-Fiqhul Akbar”, one is known as “Al-Fiqhul Akbar” and the other is known as “Al-Fiqhul Absat”. The second booklet, known as “Al-Fiqhul Absat”, is the original “Al-Fiqhul Absat”.

In the chapter on the writings of Imam Abu Hanifa, we will see that the first book in the Sanad and Matan is also proved to be Al-Fiqhul Akbar. We have adopted this booklet as the original for translation, because in this booklet Al-Fiqhul Absat and his The book deals with the subject matter of the book in a simple way.

The overall discussion of different aspects of the Islamic creed is not in the same way as the other brochures in his book.

Therefore, I decided to translate this booklet and explain the different aspects of the Islamic creed. Al-Fiqh al-Akbar’s commentary quotes all relevant statements from al-Fiqh al-Absat ‘and other pamphlets.

We have relied on two books: (1) Al-Aqeedah at-Tahabiyyah by the famous Hanafi jurist Imam Abu Jafar Ahmad ibn Salma Tahabi (237-321 AH) of the third-fourth century. He wrote this booklet describing the beliefs of Imam Abu Hanifa and his companions.

(2) Al-I’tikad written by the famous Hanafi jurist Imam Abul Ala Saeed bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Naisapuri (343 432 AH) in the 4th – 5th century AH. In this book he has compiled the statements of Imam Abu Hanifa regarding his beliefs.

A feature of Fiqhul Akbar’s book is the variety of topics under discussion. Apart from the well-known issues of Aqeedah, he has also discussed many issues such as Tarabeeh, Riya, Ujab, Signs of Resurrection, and the identity of the children of Rasulullah (4).

Discussions and explanations on this subject have increased the volume of this book. Going to translate and explain Al-Fiqhul Akbar, I saw that the source and content of the confusion of the Muslim Ummah is almost the same as it was in the second century.

The extremes of the Kharijites in the name of Takfir and Jihad, the extremes in the knowledge and faith of the Jami-Murjias, the superstition of the Shias and the blindness in the name of Batini Ilm and the underestimation of revelation in the name of the intellect of the Mutazilis are the main themes of all fitna in the present age.

Ignorance of Tawheed and the prevalence of Shirk have been associated with them in the present age. In order to solve all these tribulations, what Imam Abu Hanifa and other Imams said in that era will show us the way to solve them in the present era as well.


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