কোরআন হাদীসের পঁয়ত্রিশটি ভবিষ্যৎবাণী pdf download

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কোরআন হাদীসের পঁয়ত্রিশটি ভবিষ্যৎবাণী -খন্দকার শাহরিয়ার সুলতান pdf books .মুযাফফর বিন মুহসিন সকল pdf books. আব্দুর রাযযাক বিন ইউসুফ all pdf.ডা: জাকির নায়েক পিডিএফ বই৷ ব্রাদার রাহুল হোসাইন পিডিএফ pdf books

কোরআন হাদীসের পঁয়ত্রিশটি ভবিষ্যৎবাণী pdf download

বইঃ কোরআন হাদীসের পঁয়ত্রিশটি ভবিষ্যৎবাণী

লেখকঃ খন্দকার শাহরিয়ার সুলতান

প্রকাশনীঃ আকাবা

ফরম্যাটঃ পিডিএফ ফাইল

ক্যাটাগরিঃ ইসলামিক বই

খন্দকার শাহরিয়ার সুলতান এর বইয়ের সূচিপত্রঃ

কিছু কথা :-In a few words Maulana Ruhullah Naemani gave a list of more than fifty Bengali books of the Hanafis about the Ahl al-Hadith in one hundred and five pages of his book Satyanusandhan. In his series, he has published an open challenge book on Ahl-e-Hadith so that he has compiled Bengali translations of four Urdu books.

The number of pages in the four books is 162. Among them, the first book won a prize of Tk 20 lakh for 12 months. The number of pages is about 72. In the 2nd edition, the number of pages has increased a lot with the addition of notes and explanations.

কোরআন হাদীসের পঁয়ত্রিশটি ভবিষ্যৎবাণী pdf books

Deobandi Alem Munir Ahmad Multani of Pakistan who wrote a book against Ahl-e-Hadith under the title ‘Ba-Ra Masail 20 Lakh Inam’. In response, Ahlul Hadith Alem Sheikh Jalaluddin Qasemi of India compiled ‘Rafus Shukuk Wal Aoham Ba-Jawab Ba-Ra Masail 20 Lakh Inam’. Fa lillahil hamd. Interestingly, the name of Mr. Multani’s book was later changed to “Ba-Ra Masail” (12 Masala).

Mr. Ruhullah Naemani mistranslated intentionally or unintentionally and in the second edition, the hadith was saheeh up to ‘Imam Abu Hanifa Kaka’. Two editions of the book have come out. Quotes from both editions have been collected from PDF copies. There was no index in the original Urdu book of Sheikh Jalaluddin Qasemi.

For the convenience of the reader, table of contents and other notes are added. This is the first translation from Urdu to Bengali. Hopefully. Wrong – Mark the mistake and give the opportunity to thank. Muhammad Riaz Hussain apologized to the Lord.

কোরআন হাদীসের পঁয়ত্রিশটি ভবিষ্যৎবাণী বই pdf download

  • Table of contents
    Pharaoh’s body will be preserved.
    The term of the Islamic caliphate will be 30 years
    None of the disciples will live after a hundred years.
    Ram will be victorious over Persia
    The wealth of Persia and Ram society will be spent in the way of Allah.
    The work of Ibrahim (AS) will be remembered. The Quran will be preserved forever.
    The Jews will be humiliated and disgraced forever.
  • In the fifth stage, Islam will be re-established in the world. Muslims will be defeated and humiliated by non-Muslims.
    The polytheistic Quraish will not last long.
    The era of full security will come.
    You will see this key of Baitullah in my hand one day.
    The remembrance and fame of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will spread.
    The ruling power will be in the hands of the Quraish.
    Voice Karni will come.
    Muslims will follow the Jewish polytheists. pdf books
    Noah’s ark will be preserved.
    Rather, I will kill you.
    A liar and a murderer will be born in Bani Shakif Gat.
    Osama Itya.
    Faith will continue to decline every year.
    The Muslim nation will not be destroyed.
    Believers in Jesus (pbuh) will be victorious forever.
    Everyone will believe in Jesus.
    About Adi Ibn Hate Tayyi.
    Various vehicles will be discovered.
    Suraka Ibn Malik will wear the dress of Mrat Kesar.
    Wild beasts will also speak.
    The man will obey his wife.
    The Dajjal will appear.
    Jesus (pbuh) and Imam Mahdi (as) will appear.
    The army will collapse.
    The land will erode all its resources.
    There will be jihad in Hindustan. A dedication

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